What is Contra Dancing?

If swing dancing and square dancing met in a bar, you’d get contra.

Contra dancing is a type of community folk dance. This informal dance style draws from a wide geography of traditions, evolving from English country dancing and bringing in many influences including African call-and-response. They came together in the Northern Appalachia region to become the raucous, foot-stomping, high-energy partner dance we know today. 

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Here’s how the dance works: Each dance starts when you find a partner. You can come to a night of contra dancing alone or with a friend, but you can expect to dance with many new people over the course of a night. Couples form parallel lines and move up and down the dance floor, interacting with every other couple in their line. There is no fancy footwork involved – anyone can do it! Calling all of the dances from the stage, the dance caller teaches each dance before the music starts. 

Whether you're looking for a night out or a new community Contra is a night of great live music, dancing, and joy.  

Brooklyn Contra strives to be an inclusive space, which means we welcome all people of all cultural origins, national origins, dance abilities, and gender identities.

New to contra dancing? We've written up some Tips for Beginners.

Still have questions? Maybe we've answered them in our FAQs.


1st and 3rd weekend of every month!


Sunday, Jan. 19th, A Contra Dance for All!

Join us for a contra dance for all with some of our very favorite talent! We’ll have live music from the always wonderful Petrichord, and calling form Alyssa Adkins, one of our favorites!

Petrichord is a dynamic contra dance trio based in the Washington, DC area, weaving together a number of influences to create an eminently danceable, engaging experience. Colleen Holroyd (fiddle, feet) brings her passion for Québécois, Cape Breton, and Scottish fiddle tunes to the band. Sophie Chang (cello) injects a grounding of classical training into Petrichord’s sound, along with experience gained from playing for English country dances. Rounding out the trio is Bobby LaRose (piano, mandolin), adding his love of old time and Irish music.

When you ask a Muppet to masquerade as a human and call a contra dance, you get Alyssa. Dancers consistently describe my teaching and calling as clear, joyful, and energetic. I stay precise and concise in my communication so everyone can more fully enjoy the dance, the music, and each other.

Tickets Available Here and Always At the Door

Sunday, January 19th, 5-8 pm
Lesson at 4:30 pm
Camp Friendship, 339 8th St. Park Slope