Sending Love and Support from Brooklyn Contra


Dear Dancers,

In these hard times we want you to know that we miss you and send our love to you all. Despite the distance, we have been lucky to see so many virtual events and delighted to see all the enthusiasm to keep folk dance and music alive online! Check out the CDSS online events calendar to see a few. This enthusiasm has inspired us to stay motivated and plan for future dances, as soon as it is safe. 

Reaching out to our folk community

Until dances resume, we are gifting a portion of Brooklyn Contra membership dues to contra dance artists, musicians, and callers, many of whom you can find on the CDSS freelancers list. We could not have anticipated how meaningful our membership program would be in 2020, for us and for our community, which is why 50 percent of our surplus above monthly fixed operating costs will go to local artists and contra musicians. This allows us to cover our base costs, support artists in challenging times, and come back just as soon as it is safe to do so!

How you can help:

  1. Become a member at any level today and support us and our local talent via monthly donations. 

  2. Make a one-time donation to immediately contribute to the community. 

  3. Volunteer with your talents -- we will be launching volunteer-based membership options shortly. Email us if you are interested and look out for the launch notice!

If you are able to do more, there are some other amazing folk artists and causes that could use our support. Here are a few:

We hope you are all taking good care. Until we dance again,

Brooklyn Contra Organizer Committee

Emma, Katie, Joe, Carl, Andrea, and Preston